Monday, February 9, 2009

sequential trepidation

It's a belief that fear inhibits. However, no matter how many people believe in something, it does not justify it or validate it. The trauma culminates into a heightened sense of primed delusion.

Fear is a means of realization, in it's pure form. If you let fear test you, then you have lost. Fear is a limitation, and a mild one at that. We must transcend above the common front and wield the raw power that fear possesses. Fear can be motivation and an unrelenting force that continues to drive us today. Once we're scared beyond capacity, then we able to re-evaluate what has to be done. If the labor is worth the produce, then we must continue. Invest in a purpose, not a desire.

Fear strikes deep in the heart, and the pain is agonizing; sometimes paralyzing. Yet, it gives us a chance to fathom what ultimately matters.

Fear is clarity.

Then why is it that fear always stops us? If fear has the potential to amplify our deep, true necessities... then how come it can overcome our logic?

Don't let fear be your excuse; let it be your driving force.