Wednesday, April 15, 2009

even a little seed can still grow

"I'm taking a chance,
this could be different.
This could be all I'm waiting for.
Taking a chance,
this could be different.
This could be all I'm waiting for.

I wanted to see something that's different,
something you said would change in me.
Wanted to be anything different,
everything you would change in me."
-Different - Acceptance

Difference causes change. Change threatens chance. Difference is chance.

I wholeheartedly believe stupidity is the only catalyst for change. Intelligence is ignorant and subjective. Sometimes even the most simple things can escalate into unfathomable complexity due to overthinking.

Why think so hard when you can be stupid?

The law of parsimony, or better known as Ockham's Razor, states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory. Or better phrased, Occam's razor would demand the acceptance of the simplest possible theoretical explanation for the existing problem.

Stupidity gives us the ability to do something different, something ridiculous, and most importantly, it gives us the ability to do what may just be right. So many achievements have been made possible by sheer luck and stupidity; doing things differently and unsystematically.

The key to life is not always about following the right paths, making the right choices, or even thinking about decisions. I believe the key to life is the adaption to the change, by changing.

Being stupid is making mistakes. Being stupid is saying the wrong things. Being stupid is not thinking. Being stupid is not doing anything. Being stupid is hoping for change, without action. Being stupid is failing to do the right thing.

But sometimes, being stupid is smart. Without failure, how can one possibly succeed or even see what is right? After all is said and done, true value arises from failure.

Sometimes to endure, we must turn our brain off, and focus on using our heart. Smart people may make the right choices, but can they endure? Sometimes to endure, we must not think about what is happening, but last until we can focus on what should happen.

Just like a little seed, placed in the harshest, driest environment; may lie dormant for years and years, until it has the chance to be bathed in a rare, tranquil rain, and be able to grow.

As long as there is something there, it still has a chance to grow. We aren't always able to be placed in favorable places, but we must always be able to learn and grow from it.

even a little seed can still grow!

Days, hours, memories...

How do we measure our days? By hours and minutes? By the seconds of realization and vulnerability? Or do we simply measure our days by memories? The unforgettable and defining moments in our lives?

Ultimately, at least in my eyes, it all comes down to the same thing. We are all looking for something, and most of the time we don't even know what we are looking for. Sometimes we just look to look; looking without any purpose other than just merely looking for something. Sometimes that something is tangible, most times it's intangible. Others rush to find both answers and questions, and others take their time. No matter what we seek or how we seek, we often forget to focus on things that we already have. We are always so busy looking for better or disbelieving that better exists that even the most careful and methodical people soon lose what they've had.

Life isn't about winning... It's about the search. There are so many battles to be fought and few wars to be won that we must pick our battles very carefully. People fight to be right, to be stronger, to prove something, to find themselves, but not many fight to learn. Learning to realize what to fight for--that's a truly difficult task.

To fight when the battle seems futile. To fight when there's nothing left to fight for. To fight when giving up is easier. To fight when fighting is your only option. To fight when everything and everyone is against you. To fight when fists aren't your weapons, but words and truth. To fight because otherwise you'd lose the world you worked so hard to create.

To fight when actions are louder than words.

Let me reiterate, life isn't about winning, it's about the search.

Things can be worth fighting for, but also things can be found. So, find something worth fighting for. Don't fight for something that can be found.

We are either created by a world, or we create our world. If we are created by a world, then some things just cannot be helped. We are enslaved by regulations, traditions, and codes. However, if we are lucky enough to create our world, then we must continue to strive and maintain this utopia. As individuals, we can only rely on ourselves, but when we find that constant in life, no matter what that may be, we can only hope to try and change our world to cater the constant and intertwine both paths as frequently as possible.

Let's make things different. Let's measure our days not by quantitative values, but by the frequency of smiles, laughs, and memories.

You'll soon realize how valuable things can really be, as long as you let them become valuable.