"At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes -- all you need is one." -One Tree Hill
The most cynical thing about life is how we find it so hard to compromise. We're so vulnerable to vicious cycles and prone to self-inflicted agony.
We're all out to get something. Let it be monetary, emotional, and/or physical satisfaction. Outside, we may seem to perfectly fine and selfless. However, on the inside, we may be the most insatiable fiend out there. It's all due to our cumulative growth and our lifetime experiences that shapes who we are, but sometimes we forget who we truly are. We may live life on one of the two sides; we may be the power hungry control freak, or the weak, shackled captive. The fact is, sometimes we are so ignorant that we seem to temporarily lose ourselves to fleeting desires. We tend to continue to give ourselves away, until there is absolutely nothing left to give. And the truth is, no one in our lives will ever be worth that much. No one.
We can't fall for the same trap twice. It's our responsibility to learn from our mistakes and to own our mistakes; to holster them on our belt of burden. We must carry our own weight, because no one else will ever carry that weight for you. Going through the excruciating pain of realizing the truth and seeing through people is worth making all the mistakes; no matter how big or small. We must emulate our true identity and emit our sorrows and joys to shine as bright as possible. Only then... are we ever going to be happy who we are. We must be wise enough to let go of the people we deem hazards and we must be honest enough to let the people who we deem companions.
There doesn't need to be a holiday to aid us in the reverence for what we are thankful for. Every single day of our lives, we must appreciate every single little thing. But, most importantly, we must be honest to ourselves. We can't settle for less and we can't ask for more. Be happy with what you have.
Be happy with all the people we surround ourselves with.
Be happy with all the things we have obtained.
Be happy with all the places we've been.
So make those compromises, because where is our pride going to lead us with exception to a dark abyss of self engulfing anguish? And learn from each and every single mistake, otherwise your efforts have gone in vain.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Foolish Devotion
John Legend - Save Room
"This just might hurt a little
Love hurts sometimes when you do it right
Don't be afraid of a little bit of pain
Pleasure is on the other side
Let down your guard just a little
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me - pretty baby
You will see I can be all you need
If you stay, won't you stay - stay"
"Have Patience"
Two simple words placed together become something so much more.
What truly eludes me is the fact that 'the whole is more than the sum of its parts'. No matter how easy something is to build, it's the time and the effort that really makes it worth so much more.
A little heartfelt, scribbled note goes much farther than simple ink on simple paper.
A small, endearing plushie goes much farther than simple fluff in simple fabric.
A short, quick trip to see someone goes much farther than simple words.
...and so on and so forth.
So let these simple words become something much more. Let all the things in your life become something more. We're all ordinary people looking for something extraordinary, so where do we... as ordinary people draw the line? Honestly, I think the lines draw themselves and we try so hard to conform to these simple, yet complex boundaries and limitations. As ordinary people, the only thing we can be judged on is our decisions. No matter how void or saturated of emotions we are, who is to know when you are unable to express? Vivid words, evoking pictures, fleeting moments, and precious time all speak for themselves. We become the beacon of understanding and open our minds and hearts to feel what is being expressed.
But when it comes down to us, we have an unimaginably difficult time expressing what we truly feel. So can we actually find something extraordinary or are we chasing false dreams of something greater? We're always looking for better, something ultimately so captivating we forget everything else in the midst of the moment. This is where we fail. The moments we continue searching for are nonexistent. What's so hard about appreciating what you have? The best friends, the significant other, the unforgettable moments, and everything else we have. We don't deserve anything better or worse... we only deserve what we feel we deserve.
Yet, we're always encumbered by the belief that we are in a struggle. That we don't deserve this, we won't deserve that. Well, if we are getting things by being who we really are.. then yes, you do deserve it. If you didn't deserve it, you wouldn't be getting it. The only thing we can hope for is to not take anything for granted. No matter how secure everything seems, it just takes a simple mistake to demolish everything.
One mistake.
One word.
One action.
One misunderstanding.
Seems quite unfair that everything looks as if it's all against us, doesn't it? After all, we only have ONE chance. Yet, there are an infinite number of mistakes to be made to ruin that one chance. Chances are never given; they are earned through hard work and determination.
That once we find the one thing we're all looking for, just promise yourself that you'll work your hardest for that one thing. That you'll never even think about taking it for granted. That you'll never lose sight of it. That you'll never ever ever ever give up. That's what gives everything in our life value. The struggles we went through to keep these things close to us.
However, once we do lose it, we tend to pick at ourselves and search for ways to forget about everything. We tend to exaggerate and harbor hatred for what ruined the very thing we valued most. The only thing we can do in such situations is understand. We can't blame anyone, but we can still try our hardest to earn what we lost once again. No matter how disastrous something has become, there will always be hope to mend what has been broken. If there is a will, there is a way.
So, have patience. Easy enough right?
"This just might hurt a little
Love hurts sometimes when you do it right
Don't be afraid of a little bit of pain
Pleasure is on the other side
Let down your guard just a little
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me - pretty baby
You will see I can be all you need
If you stay, won't you stay - stay"
"Have Patience"
Two simple words placed together become something so much more.
What truly eludes me is the fact that 'the whole is more than the sum of its parts'. No matter how easy something is to build, it's the time and the effort that really makes it worth so much more.
A little heartfelt, scribbled note goes much farther than simple ink on simple paper.
A small, endearing plushie goes much farther than simple fluff in simple fabric.
A short, quick trip to see someone goes much farther than simple words.
...and so on and so forth.
So let these simple words become something much more. Let all the things in your life become something more. We're all ordinary people looking for something extraordinary, so where do we... as ordinary people draw the line? Honestly, I think the lines draw themselves and we try so hard to conform to these simple, yet complex boundaries and limitations. As ordinary people, the only thing we can be judged on is our decisions. No matter how void or saturated of emotions we are, who is to know when you are unable to express? Vivid words, evoking pictures, fleeting moments, and precious time all speak for themselves. We become the beacon of understanding and open our minds and hearts to feel what is being expressed.
But when it comes down to us, we have an unimaginably difficult time expressing what we truly feel. So can we actually find something extraordinary or are we chasing false dreams of something greater? We're always looking for better, something ultimately so captivating we forget everything else in the midst of the moment. This is where we fail. The moments we continue searching for are nonexistent. What's so hard about appreciating what you have? The best friends, the significant other, the unforgettable moments, and everything else we have. We don't deserve anything better or worse... we only deserve what we feel we deserve.
Yet, we're always encumbered by the belief that we are in a struggle. That we don't deserve this, we won't deserve that. Well, if we are getting things by being who we really are.. then yes, you do deserve it. If you didn't deserve it, you wouldn't be getting it. The only thing we can hope for is to not take anything for granted. No matter how secure everything seems, it just takes a simple mistake to demolish everything.
One mistake.
One word.
One action.
One misunderstanding.
Seems quite unfair that everything looks as if it's all against us, doesn't it? After all, we only have ONE chance. Yet, there are an infinite number of mistakes to be made to ruin that one chance. Chances are never given; they are earned through hard work and determination.
That once we find the one thing we're all looking for, just promise yourself that you'll work your hardest for that one thing. That you'll never even think about taking it for granted. That you'll never lose sight of it. That you'll never ever ever ever give up. That's what gives everything in our life value. The struggles we went through to keep these things close to us.
However, once we do lose it, we tend to pick at ourselves and search for ways to forget about everything. We tend to exaggerate and harbor hatred for what ruined the very thing we valued most. The only thing we can do in such situations is understand. We can't blame anyone, but we can still try our hardest to earn what we lost once again. No matter how disastrous something has become, there will always be hope to mend what has been broken. If there is a will, there is a way.
So, have patience. Easy enough right?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Dare to dream
Boyce Avenue - Change Your Mind
"There you are with your perfect way
You’ve got that little shine in your eyes
To hear one word would make my day
But there’s no room for me in your life
Oh you’ve got me down on my knees
Oh and in my mind I can see
How perfect everything could be
But you won’t give us a try
If I could change your mind
How would you want me
Would you say you need me
Cause I need you now
I try to move on but your perfect way
Has got this little child asking why
But this world keeps spinning
As my heart stops beating
Is there still no room inside"
We're all so caught up in everything we see in all these dramatic television shows, movies, and fictional novels that we soon forget what goes through our own lives. We're so quick to forget how tangible reality is and turn to an outlet of fake dialogues and characters. And once we do find what we're looking for, we adopt an apathetic visage. We don't see things through and believe what we hold will always be there. Because when we all finally fall asleep dreaming of what is truly right, we sleep right through what we had. Because when your eyes are closed you don't really see... you feel. And we're all scared to be true to ourselves that maybe in the process of chasing our intangible dreams, we'll lose a bit of who you were. We're all scared because we have this surreal expectation that things can only get better and overlook things when they are at the best. We can't expect the best, we can only expect what's real. In our little minds, we try so hard to continue to see things through a narrow tunnel that we forget what's really happening outside. Once that narrow tunnel closes, we can't hope to see a picture because our hearts can't adjust like our eyes can. Once all is lost, we can only see part of the whole picture. We immortalize foolishness and embody failure as a guiding light. This guiding light is the most powerful beacon of self revival that we, ourselves, may be blinded.
I know that, I, myself... have been blinded by this light and that I've found myself looking at a picture that's been burned into the back of my mind. That I was straining my eyes looking at what I had and slowly lost sight of what I have. That once the picture stood for nothing but memories and that once upon a time it was something so much more.
We're all living a life of transitions. We make transitions both consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes we find ourselves shaking our heads at what we used to be and praising who we are and how far we've come. That's the most vivid deceit in the non-fictional book of life. Who we are is only constructed on who we were. How far we've come isn't ever measured by a distance, it's only measured by endurance. It's measured by endurance because if we measure things by a distance, we'll soon figure out the finish line is coming up and find ourselves wondering what comes next. If we measure how far we've come by endurance, we can only hope to make bigger strides in life... and to leap over all the hurdles. We can only hope to endure. We can only hope to better ourselves. We can only hope to find a path, not a finish line. We can only hope that all these people we run with can keep up with our strides. But that's the best part of being together... we'll all pace ourselves and to help each other improve.
Together isn't a word, it's a phrase. Being together is not simply a verb, it's a lifestyle. We overlook the simple three words that form together. To be together is simply to-get-her. Easy right? No.
How can we all be together when we lose just one word of the three?
To. To try your best and to realize things will never be perfect... that we're only hoping for failure when we look for the best. But when we look for imperfections, we can only look for what we have.
Get. To get. To get what we owe to ourselves. To truly become what we see in life. We must get things through principle and not trying to grasp onto material things. Because as soon as it's tangible, it can be broken. When we make the transition from intangible to tangible, we forget that from the very start of things, we've always had control of what we held. That when we make the effort to try and keep it where it was... to clench it in your weak hands that it just might slip right through your fingers.
And finally. That last part of together. Her. We all need a her or a him. Need not as a material need, but a conscious need that without him or her... we can't find who we ARE. When we are with that person, we can smile because it's always worth it. Everything we built together is worth it. That things will always improve if you volunteer your trust, your needs, and your value to create something with much more worth than yourself. To invest something more... to watch your investment grow day to day. Like every investment, we need to know how much we're willing to risk and how much profit to expect. We can't let the individual deficits shadow the overall value and growth. A bad day is a bad day, that's it. We can't let a bad day become a trend. Because to. get. her. is truly together. It's all about synergy. Better yourself because you owe it to yourself and no one else.
because in my mind, we're all looking for something to happen. but as soon as we expect something to happen, we watch ourselves overlook the things that already happened.
live your life knowing one phrase...
"There you are with your perfect way
You’ve got that little shine in your eyes
To hear one word would make my day
But there’s no room for me in your life
Oh you’ve got me down on my knees
Oh and in my mind I can see
How perfect everything could be
But you won’t give us a try
If I could change your mind
How would you want me
Would you say you need me
Cause I need you now
I try to move on but your perfect way
Has got this little child asking why
But this world keeps spinning
As my heart stops beating
Is there still no room inside"
We're all so caught up in everything we see in all these dramatic television shows, movies, and fictional novels that we soon forget what goes through our own lives. We're so quick to forget how tangible reality is and turn to an outlet of fake dialogues and characters. And once we do find what we're looking for, we adopt an apathetic visage. We don't see things through and believe what we hold will always be there. Because when we all finally fall asleep dreaming of what is truly right, we sleep right through what we had. Because when your eyes are closed you don't really see... you feel. And we're all scared to be true to ourselves that maybe in the process of chasing our intangible dreams, we'll lose a bit of who you were. We're all scared because we have this surreal expectation that things can only get better and overlook things when they are at the best. We can't expect the best, we can only expect what's real. In our little minds, we try so hard to continue to see things through a narrow tunnel that we forget what's really happening outside. Once that narrow tunnel closes, we can't hope to see a picture because our hearts can't adjust like our eyes can. Once all is lost, we can only see part of the whole picture. We immortalize foolishness and embody failure as a guiding light. This guiding light is the most powerful beacon of self revival that we, ourselves, may be blinded.
I know that, I, myself... have been blinded by this light and that I've found myself looking at a picture that's been burned into the back of my mind. That I was straining my eyes looking at what I had and slowly lost sight of what I have. That once the picture stood for nothing but memories and that once upon a time it was something so much more.
We're all living a life of transitions. We make transitions both consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes we find ourselves shaking our heads at what we used to be and praising who we are and how far we've come. That's the most vivid deceit in the non-fictional book of life. Who we are is only constructed on who we were. How far we've come isn't ever measured by a distance, it's only measured by endurance. It's measured by endurance because if we measure things by a distance, we'll soon figure out the finish line is coming up and find ourselves wondering what comes next. If we measure how far we've come by endurance, we can only hope to make bigger strides in life... and to leap over all the hurdles. We can only hope to endure. We can only hope to better ourselves. We can only hope to find a path, not a finish line. We can only hope that all these people we run with can keep up with our strides. But that's the best part of being together... we'll all pace ourselves and to help each other improve.
Together isn't a word, it's a phrase. Being together is not simply a verb, it's a lifestyle. We overlook the simple three words that form together. To be together is simply to-get-her. Easy right? No.
How can we all be together when we lose just one word of the three?
To. To try your best and to realize things will never be perfect... that we're only hoping for failure when we look for the best. But when we look for imperfections, we can only look for what we have.
Get. To get. To get what we owe to ourselves. To truly become what we see in life. We must get things through principle and not trying to grasp onto material things. Because as soon as it's tangible, it can be broken. When we make the transition from intangible to tangible, we forget that from the very start of things, we've always had control of what we held. That when we make the effort to try and keep it where it was... to clench it in your weak hands that it just might slip right through your fingers.
And finally. That last part of together. Her. We all need a her or a him. Need not as a material need, but a conscious need that without him or her... we can't find who we ARE. When we are with that person, we can smile because it's always worth it. Everything we built together is worth it. That things will always improve if you volunteer your trust, your needs, and your value to create something with much more worth than yourself. To invest something more... to watch your investment grow day to day. Like every investment, we need to know how much we're willing to risk and how much profit to expect. We can't let the individual deficits shadow the overall value and growth. A bad day is a bad day, that's it. We can't let a bad day become a trend. Because to. get. her. is truly together. It's all about synergy. Better yourself because you owe it to yourself and no one else.
because in my mind, we're all looking for something to happen. but as soon as we expect something to happen, we watch ourselves overlook the things that already happened.
live your life knowing one phrase...
Our lives are our own uncontrollable manifestations of false virtue, innate vice, and lost vitality.
We, as pinnacles of self success, fight the hardest and most enduring battles when we begin to give too much of our self away. Every piece of us is a time lapse through the vivid experiences, and when we lose those parts of us slowly... we begin to forget who we were and only see the future through blurry lens. We borrow time from questionable outlets to only begin our journey into the void. We tend to lose integrity when the crystalline truths we constructed begin to become tainted establishments of forgotten virtues. All we have established may only last long enough for a simple glimpse. When our longest lasting constructs become a self engulfing misery of memories, we tend to forget all about amnesty and look for the quickest escape. Little did we know, the shortest path only leads to a dead end that becomes a vicious circle that we've can only show us who we really are.
We're all born on the same ethereal plane we call life. Ironically, life is analogous to everything. It's the bane of living and the gift of life. We need time to break down the strongest bonds to rebuild our weaker bonds. Here, we find ourselves living a life of seeking equilibrium. As a vassal of these vices, we can only hope to finally deceive ourselves that everything is not okay. Because when things are okay, that's when things get out of hand. We only believe what we hold true. Every single person wields the deceptive power of words. We're born on the same ethereal plane we call life, and that life is only true when we find the complete polar opposite it makes it all the better. Because it's all the same in the end... we can live it, love it, or rip it apart.
The only strengths we find in our self destructive tenancies are the right people. However, these same people can both lead you on the right path or shake your very foundations and leave you in the dust. That either way, we can find the right path to get back on track. Maybe we all need our bumps along the way to remind us of what we have and how valuable those things were and how valuable they are. Those bumps, not matter what size, can only remind us of how things used to be and how out of controls things can easily get when you forget yourself and the very values and virtues and vices we once had in the right place. The times we had it all going right and when we could smile because everything wasn't just dandy.. but everything was in the right place. The people we find along the way of life can only be the vitality of what we hold to be true and what we tend to forget can be true. So in essence, don't lose what you have. Let the wrongdoings lead you to remember what used to be.
because I'd rather be working for a paycheck... then waiting to win the lottery.
We, as pinnacles of self success, fight the hardest and most enduring battles when we begin to give too much of our self away. Every piece of us is a time lapse through the vivid experiences, and when we lose those parts of us slowly... we begin to forget who we were and only see the future through blurry lens. We borrow time from questionable outlets to only begin our journey into the void. We tend to lose integrity when the crystalline truths we constructed begin to become tainted establishments of forgotten virtues. All we have established may only last long enough for a simple glimpse. When our longest lasting constructs become a self engulfing misery of memories, we tend to forget all about amnesty and look for the quickest escape. Little did we know, the shortest path only leads to a dead end that becomes a vicious circle that we've can only show us who we really are.
We're all born on the same ethereal plane we call life. Ironically, life is analogous to everything. It's the bane of living and the gift of life. We need time to break down the strongest bonds to rebuild our weaker bonds. Here, we find ourselves living a life of seeking equilibrium. As a vassal of these vices, we can only hope to finally deceive ourselves that everything is not okay. Because when things are okay, that's when things get out of hand. We only believe what we hold true. Every single person wields the deceptive power of words. We're born on the same ethereal plane we call life, and that life is only true when we find the complete polar opposite it makes it all the better. Because it's all the same in the end... we can live it, love it, or rip it apart.
The only strengths we find in our self destructive tenancies are the right people. However, these same people can both lead you on the right path or shake your very foundations and leave you in the dust. That either way, we can find the right path to get back on track. Maybe we all need our bumps along the way to remind us of what we have and how valuable those things were and how valuable they are. Those bumps, not matter what size, can only remind us of how things used to be and how out of controls things can easily get when you forget yourself and the very values and virtues and vices we once had in the right place. The times we had it all going right and when we could smile because everything wasn't just dandy.. but everything was in the right place. The people we find along the way of life can only be the vitality of what we hold to be true and what we tend to forget can be true. So in essence, don't lose what you have. Let the wrongdoings lead you to remember what used to be.
because I'd rather be working for a paycheck... then waiting to win the lottery.
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