Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Our lives are our own uncontrollable manifestations of false virtue, innate vice, and lost vitality.

We, as pinnacles of self success, fight the hardest and most enduring battles when we begin to give too much of our self away. Every piece of us is a time lapse through the vivid experiences, and when we lose those parts of us slowly... we begin to forget who we were and only see the future through blurry lens. We borrow time from questionable outlets to only begin our journey into the void. We tend to lose integrity when the crystalline truths we constructed begin to become tainted establishments of forgotten virtues. All we have established may only last long enough for a simple glimpse. When our longest lasting constructs become a self engulfing misery of memories, we tend to forget all about amnesty and look for the quickest escape. Little did we know, the shortest path only leads to a dead end that becomes a vicious circle that we've can only show us who we really are.

We're all born on the same ethereal plane we call life. Ironically, life is analogous to everything. It's the bane of living and the gift of life. We need time to break down the strongest bonds to rebuild our weaker bonds. Here, we find ourselves living a life of seeking equilibrium. As a vassal of these vices, we can only hope to finally deceive ourselves that everything is not okay. Because when things are okay, that's when things get out of hand. We only believe what we hold true. Every single person wields the deceptive power of words. We're born on the same ethereal plane we call life, and that life is only true when we find the complete polar opposite it makes it all the better. Because it's all the same in the end... we can live it, love it, or rip it apart.

The only strengths we find in our self destructive tenancies are the right people. However, these same people can both lead you on the right path or shake your very foundations and leave you in the dust. That either way, we can find the right path to get back on track. Maybe we all need our bumps along the way to remind us of what we have and how valuable those things were and how valuable they are. Those bumps, not matter what size, can only remind us of how things used to be and how out of controls things can easily get when you forget yourself and the very values and virtues and vices we once had in the right place. The times we had it all going right and when we could smile because everything wasn't just dandy.. but everything was in the right place. The people we find along the way of life can only be the vitality of what we hold to be true and what we tend to forget can be true. So in essence, don't lose what you have. Let the wrongdoings lead you to remember what used to be.

because I'd rather be working for a paycheck... then waiting to win the lottery.

1 comment:

adam said...

working for a paycheck instead of waiting? and later you talk about the virtue of patience... no offense or anything, just an observation.

i think, when it really comes down to it the decision is yours. as an artist--everyone is an artist because life is their art--you have to decide when to dream and when to be awake, and if you want to spend your whole life following a dream in vain, nobody has the fucking right to tell you it's wrong. everything you do, everything you pursue or create, is a reflection of you, and a mirror image of the choices you've made, are making, and will continue to make.