Wednesday, November 26, 2008

black honesty, white lies

"At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes -- all you need is one." -One Tree Hill

The most cynical thing about life is how we find it so hard to compromise. We're so vulnerable to vicious cycles and prone to self-inflicted agony.

We're all out to get something. Let it be monetary, emotional, and/or physical satisfaction. Outside, we may seem to perfectly fine and selfless. However, on the inside, we may be the most insatiable fiend out there. It's all due to our cumulative growth and our lifetime experiences that shapes who we are, but sometimes we forget who we truly are. We may live life on one of the two sides; we may be the power hungry control freak, or the weak, shackled captive. The fact is, sometimes we are so ignorant that we seem to temporarily lose ourselves to fleeting desires. We tend to continue to give ourselves away, until there is absolutely nothing left to give. And the truth is, no one in our lives will ever be worth that much. No one.

We can't fall for the same trap twice. It's our responsibility to learn from our mistakes and to own our mistakes; to holster them on our belt of burden. We must carry our own weight, because no one else will ever carry that weight for you. Going through the excruciating pain of realizing the truth and seeing through people is worth making all the mistakes; no matter how big or small. We must emulate our true identity and emit our sorrows and joys to shine as bright as possible. Only then... are we ever going to be happy who we are. We must be wise enough to let go of the people we deem hazards and we must be honest enough to let the people who we deem companions.

There doesn't need to be a holiday to aid us in the reverence for what we are thankful for. Every single day of our lives, we must appreciate every single little thing. But, most importantly, we must be honest to ourselves. We can't settle for less and we can't ask for more. Be happy with what you have.

Be happy with all the people we surround ourselves with.
Be happy with all the things we have obtained.
Be happy with all the places we've been.

So make those compromises, because where is our pride going to lead us with exception to a dark abyss of self engulfing anguish? And learn from each and every single mistake, otherwise your efforts have gone in vain.



Unknown said...

Awesome Ryan!

Anonymous said...

I like this blog. Very well thought out. Happy thanksgiving ryannn <3

adam said...

to be succinctly honest, we are ingrained with a natural penchant to want more, no matter what we have or appreciate.

no matter what of our morals or lack thereof, there's always the thirst for more righteousness or debauchery, virtue or torment. i'd relate it to a yin-yang sort of thing but i got turned off to the orient in a philosophical sense long ago. too much ramen.

there's want and there's necessity, but people have very loose definitions of both and thus, power struggles, battles over fame and wealth, are bound to ensue. sickeningly enough, that's what makes the world predictable yet at the same time interesting, for the fights rearrange without order or logic.

are some destined winners and losers? no doubt, and you can't, or shouldn't, assume you really know a person, like you said, only they do. i believe deep down that some deserve to have a deep-seated grudge against their very existence, they didn't choose to be cast into such an agonizing role and it's virtually impossible to escape: even suicide is just a bread-and-butter leap into more chaos.

in the flip side, someone who has been "blessed" (fuck that word) shouldn't take for granted that all they have is all they need: if you are happy with an established stability, so be it. but there will always be more things to see, places to explore, and people to meet. if you're on the top, like scarface, the world is yours.