Saturday, November 8, 2008

Foolish Devotion

John Legend - Save Room

"This just might hurt a little
Love hurts sometimes when you do it right
Don't be afraid of a little bit of pain
Pleasure is on the other side

Let down your guard just a little
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me - pretty baby
You will see I can be all you need

If you stay, won't you stay - stay"

"Have Patience"
Two simple words placed together become something so much more.

What truly eludes me is the fact that 'the whole is more than the sum of its parts'. No matter how easy something is to build, it's the time and the effort that really makes it worth so much more.

A little heartfelt, scribbled note goes much farther than simple ink on simple paper.
A small, endearing plushie goes much farther than simple fluff in simple fabric.
A short, quick trip to see someone goes much farther than simple words.
...and so on and so forth.

So let these simple words become something much more. Let all the things in your life become something more. We're all ordinary people looking for something extraordinary, so where do we... as ordinary people draw the line? Honestly, I think the lines draw themselves and we try so hard to conform to these simple, yet complex boundaries and limitations. As ordinary people, the only thing we can be judged on is our decisions. No matter how void or saturated of emotions we are, who is to know when you are unable to express? Vivid words, evoking pictures, fleeting moments, and precious time all speak for themselves. We become the beacon of understanding and open our minds and hearts to feel what is being expressed.

But when it comes down to us, we have an unimaginably difficult time expressing what we truly feel. So can we actually find something extraordinary or are we chasing false dreams of something greater? We're always looking for better, something ultimately so captivating we forget everything else in the midst of the moment. This is where we fail. The moments we continue searching for are nonexistent. What's so hard about appreciating what you have? The best friends, the significant other, the unforgettable moments, and everything else we have. We don't deserve anything better or worse... we only deserve what we feel we deserve.

Yet, we're always encumbered by the belief that we are in a struggle. That we don't deserve this, we won't deserve that. Well, if we are getting things by being who we really are.. then yes, you do deserve it. If you didn't deserve it, you wouldn't be getting it. The only thing we can hope for is to not take anything for granted. No matter how secure everything seems, it just takes a simple mistake to demolish everything.

One mistake.
One word.
One action.
One misunderstanding.

Seems quite unfair that everything looks as if it's all against us, doesn't it? After all, we only have ONE chance. Yet, there are an infinite number of mistakes to be made to ruin that one chance. Chances are never given; they are earned through hard work and determination.
That once we find the one thing we're all looking for, just promise yourself that you'll work your hardest for that one thing. That you'll never even think about taking it for granted. That you'll never lose sight of it. That you'll never ever ever ever give up. That's what gives everything in our life value. The struggles we went through to keep these things close to us.

However, once we do lose it, we tend to pick at ourselves and search for ways to forget about everything. We tend to exaggerate and harbor hatred for what ruined the very thing we valued most. The only thing we can do in such situations is understand. We can't blame anyone, but we can still try our hardest to earn what we lost once again. No matter how disastrous something has become, there will always be hope to mend what has been broken. If there is a will, there is a way.

So, have patience. Easy enough right?

1 comment:

adam said...

Eh, I'd say by definition the whole is equal to the sum of its parts, in terms of purposefulness as opposed to usefulness... maybe less if you consider something like a marriage, where freedoms are robbed and lines are drawn.

Individuality also shouldn't be ignored. And as far as patience... again, just preaching to the goddamned choir. :>