Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dare to dream

Boyce Avenue - Change Your Mind

"There you are with your perfect way
You’ve got that little shine in your eyes
To hear one word would make my day
But there’s no room for me in your life

Oh you’ve got me down on my knees
Oh and in my mind I can see
How perfect everything could be
But you won’t give us a try

If I could change your mind
How would you want me
Would you say you need me
Cause I need you now

I try to move on but your perfect way
Has got this little child asking why
But this world keeps spinning
As my heart stops beating
Is there still no room inside"

We're all so caught up in everything we see in all these dramatic television shows, movies, and fictional novels that we soon forget what goes through our own lives. We're so quick to forget how tangible reality is and turn to an outlet of fake dialogues and characters. And once we do find what we're looking for, we adopt an apathetic visage. We don't see things through and believe what we hold will always be there. Because when we all finally fall asleep dreaming of what is truly right, we sleep right through what we had. Because when your eyes are closed you don't really see... you feel. And we're all scared to be true to ourselves that maybe in the process of chasing our intangible dreams, we'll lose a bit of who you were. We're all scared because we have this surreal expectation that things can only get better and overlook things when they are at the best. We can't expect the best, we can only expect what's real. In our little minds, we try so hard to continue to see things through a narrow tunnel that we forget what's really happening outside. Once that narrow tunnel closes, we can't hope to see a picture because our hearts can't adjust like our eyes can. Once all is lost, we can only see part of the whole picture. We immortalize foolishness and embody failure as a guiding light. This guiding light is the most powerful beacon of self revival that we, ourselves, may be blinded.

I know that, I, myself... have been blinded by this light and that I've found myself looking at a picture that's been burned into the back of my mind. That I was straining my eyes looking at what I had and slowly lost sight of what I have. That once the picture stood for nothing but memories and that once upon a time it was something so much more.

We're all living a life of transitions. We make transitions both consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes we find ourselves shaking our heads at what we used to be and praising who we are and how far we've come. That's the most vivid deceit in the non-fictional book of life. Who we are is only constructed on who we were. How far we've come isn't ever measured by a distance, it's only measured by endurance. It's measured by endurance because if we measure things by a distance, we'll soon figure out the finish line is coming up and find ourselves wondering what comes next. If we measure how far we've come by endurance, we can only hope to make bigger strides in life... and to leap over all the hurdles. We can only hope to endure. We can only hope to better ourselves. We can only hope to find a path, not a finish line. We can only hope that all these people we run with can keep up with our strides. But that's the best part of being together... we'll all pace ourselves and to help each other improve.

Together isn't a word, it's a phrase. Being together is not simply a verb, it's a lifestyle. We overlook the simple three words that form together. To be together is simply to-get-her. Easy right? No.
How can we all be together when we lose just one word of the three?

To. To try your best and to realize things will never be perfect... that we're only hoping for failure when we look for the best. But when we look for imperfections, we can only look for what we have.

Get. To get. To get what we owe to ourselves. To truly become what we see in life. We must get things through principle and not trying to grasp onto material things. Because as soon as it's tangible, it can be broken. When we make the transition from intangible to tangible, we forget that from the very start of things, we've always had control of what we held. That when we make the effort to try and keep it where it was... to clench it in your weak hands that it just might slip right through your fingers.

And finally. That last part of together. Her. We all need a her or a him. Need not as a material need, but a conscious need that without him or her... we can't find who we ARE. When we are with that person, we can smile because it's always worth it. Everything we built together is worth it. That things will always improve if you volunteer your trust, your needs, and your value to create something with much more worth than yourself. To invest something more... to watch your investment grow day to day. Like every investment, we need to know how much we're willing to risk and how much profit to expect. We can't let the individual deficits shadow the overall value and growth. A bad day is a bad day, that's it. We can't let a bad day become a trend. Because to. get. her. is truly together. It's all about synergy. Better yourself because you owe it to yourself and no one else.

because in my mind, we're all looking for something to happen. but as soon as we expect something to happen, we watch ourselves overlook the things that already happened.

live your life knowing one phrase...


1 comment:

adam said...

all right, i know i ain't a taoist no more or anything, but i'd be kidding myself if i said there wasn't a synergy, a fulfillment, and a battle to be found within oneself...

they said i was schizo, when i knew good and well where those voices and feelings were coming from.